The Ohana School of Early Learning Toddler room provides a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for children to explore throughout their day. Teachers design the environment and experiences based on children’s developmental needs and individual interests. Learning experiences with teachers, peers, language, movement, blocks, music, books, nature, water, sand, art and dramatic play materials enhance children’s growth and development. These learning experiences are documented for families in an individual daily report for each child. Children are encouraged to explore their environment independently. Because exploring with all your senses can be a messy process, we ask families to dress children with this in mind. In addition, children need time to play and learn outside and we will try to go outdoors in all kinds of weather, so it is important that families provide appropriate outerwear for each season. Mealtime is both a physical and social-emotional process. This is a time to try new foods, use developing language skills, engage in social interactions and practice self-help skills. Breakfast, Lunch and afternoon snack are served on a daily basis. Menus are readily available and accessible for viewing. Napping is also an important part of the day. In the Toddler room, children sleep on mats which are made more comfortable by a small blanket, pillow or sleeping toy brought from home. Teachers may help children relax by reading stories, playing soft music, or rubbing backs. Children who wake earlier than others are given quiet activities to occupy them until the rest of the class is awake. Teachers document children’s experiences through the use of photographs, dictation, and artwork. Teachers will also share your child’s learning experiences with you at drop off and pick up times. At Ohana School of Early Learning, we look forward to developing strong relationships with children and their families. Please take some time at arrival each day to tell us about your child’s evening and morning at home so that we can more effectively meet their needs. When you return, we will tell you about your child’s day with us. In addition, we will share your child’s experiences with you at drop off and pick up times.
